[8276] in bugtraq
Re: CDE for Linux
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (bandregg@REDHAT.COM)
Fri Oct 23 22:35:25 1998
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 21:43:22 -0400
Reply-To: bandregg@REDHAT.COM
From: bandregg@REDHAT.COM
X-To: Susan Carney <susan.carney@TRITEAL.COM>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 22 Oct 1998 16:11:50 PDT."
On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 16:11:50 -0700, Susan Carney wrote:
>As many of you know, in September Red Hat announced that Netscape and
>Intel were taking equity positions in Red Hat. Also, within this month
>all commercial products that Red Hat sold were dropped. The leading ones
>were TED and Applix. They were dropped for different reasons.
I can personally attest that these two events are unrelated and to see them
mentioned in the same paragraph is gross innuendo.
>On September 25, 1998 Red Hat announced that they were dropping their
>CDE product (TED) because of a "security hole". They cited the following
>In actuality, TriTeal and Red Hat were in discussions about fixing this
>CERT, and updating the product to a more current version. But, instead
>they decided to drop the product. In my opinion I think they wanted to
>remain an open source product - and thus dropped both TED and Applix.
While it is true that Red Hat is dedicated to Open Source software and
certainly moving in that direction it is also true that the costs involved in
fixing a product so horribly insecure and not being able to release the source
fixes was the main reason.
After all, we aren't giving refunds just because we sold a binary only product.
Bryan C. Andregg * <bandregg@redhat.com> * Red Hat Software
"Hey, wait a minute, you clowns are on dope!"
-- Owen Cheese in 'Shakes the Clown'