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Re: mutt buffer overflow? [Fwd from Bill Nottingham]

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Michael Jennings)
Fri Oct 23 22:22:55 1998

Mail-Followup-To: bugtraq@netspace.org
Date: 	Fri, 23 Oct 1998 14:51:15 -0500
Reply-To: Michael Jennings <Michael_Jennings@mw.3com.com>
From: Michael Jennings <Michael_Jennings@MW.3COM.COM>

----- Forwarded message from Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> -----

From: Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
To: Mutt Developers <mutt-dev@mutt.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 18:45:02 +0000
Subject: Re: [jn1@ATOMNET.PL: mutt buffer overflow?]

Bennett Todd (bet@mordor.net) said:
> Dunno if there are plenty of mutt-dev folks hanging out on bugtraq, and
> see any hint of a cross-posting in the headers, so I'm forwarding this
> Hope it's not a dup!

Buffer overflow in slang-0.x.  There's a workaround in mutt-0.93.2+
(and possibly earlier versions).


----- End forwarded message -----

 "That little Huggie bastard just threw a spear at me!"
                                   -- Calista Flockhart, "Ally McBeal"
Michael Jennings        <mej@mw.3com.com>        http://www.tcserv.com/
Senior Systems Engineer                 3Com Global Information Systems

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