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buffer overflow vulnerability in netscape 3.0 to 4.5

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Paul Boehm)
Fri Oct 23 20:02:40 1998

Date: 	Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:31:30 +0200
Reply-To: Paul Boehm <pb@INSECURITY.NET>
From: Paul Boehm <pb@INSECURITY.NET>

Today news.com reported about a buffer overflow vulnerability in netscape3-4.5
found by Dan Brumleve <nothing@shout.net>.

Read the whole story on http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,27856,00.html?owv

a sample exploit for linux netscape has been published by Dan Brumleve
on his webpage: http://www.shout.net/~nothing/buffer-overflow-1/index.html

Netscape is working on a patch.

happy webbrowsing :),


| mail: pb@insecurity.net   :: url: http://paul.boehm.org               |
| irc:  infected            :: pgp: finger pb@insecurity.net | pgp -fka |
 \.....Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside..../

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