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Re: buffer overflow vulnerability in netscape 3.0 to 4.5

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Paul Boehm)
Fri Oct 23 19:49:12 1998

Date: 	Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:43:29 +0200
Reply-To: Paul Boehm <pb@INSECURITY.NET>
From: Paul Boehm <pb@INSECURITY.NET>
In-Reply-To:  <19981023193130.B31216@boehm.org>; from Paul Boehm on Fri,
              Oct 23, 1998 at 07:31:30PM +0200

On Fri, Oct 23, 1998 at 07:31:30PM +0200, I wrote:
> Netscape is working on a patch.

oh, and I almost forgot (in fact, i did):
Netscape posted a workaround to their webpage that protects you against
this specific overflow, but also prevents existing plugins from working.


To quote their page, do the following to protect you:
  1.In Communicator, select Preferences from the Edit menu.
  2.In the Preferences dialog box, select the Navigator category.
  3.Select Applications.
  4.On the Description list, select the * entry and handled by Plug-in: Netscape
  5.Click on the Edit button.
  6.Set Handled By to Unknown: PromptUser.
  7.Restart Navigator or Communicator.


| mail: pb@insecurity.net   :: url: http://paul.boehm.org               |
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