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SVGATextMode 1.8 /tmp race

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Adrian Voinea)
Wed Oct 21 22:18:19 1998

Date: 	Thu, 21 Oct 1999 23:01:34 +0300
Reply-To: Adrian Voinea <root@DEATH.GDS.RO>
From: Adrian Voinea <root@DEATH.GDS.RO>

savetextmode, a utility that comes with SVGATextMode 1.8, saves the text
mode data in /tmp, in two files with the mode 644:

root@Death# ls -lA
total 1
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     gods         1024 Sep 24  1998 .X11-unix/

root@Death# savetextmode
svgalib: Using S3 driver (Trio64, 4096K).
svgalib: s3: chipsets newer than S3-864 is not supported well yet.
svgalib: RAMDAC: Trio64: MCLK = 47.131 MHz

root@Death# ls -lA
total 35
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     gods         1024 Sep 24  1998 .X11-unix/
-rw-r--r--   1 root     gods        32768 Oct 21 22:56 fontdata
-rw-r--r--   1 root     gods          385 Oct 21 22:56 textregs

Also, I would like to add that savetextmode accepts no parameters.
So... any user on the system that knows that the root is using
SVGATextMode could link any of the files to a file that he wants to be
The e-mail is cc-ed to the maker of SVGATextMode, koen.gadeyne@barco.com.

| Adrian Voinea   |When I Die, I want to go like my grandfather did,  |
|   adi@gds.ro    |peacefully in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming,|
|TEL:+40 51 412146|like all the passengers in his car! .=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'

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