[8239] in bugtraq

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (base16@flash.net)
Wed Oct 21 21:56:12 1998

Date: 	Tue, 20 Oct 1998 17:13:58 -0500
Reply-To: "base16@flash.net" <base16@FLASH.NET>
From: "base16@flash.net" <base16@FLASH.NET>

I just got a letter from RedHat asking me to return my CDE software and
uninstall it. Apperantly there are some major security holes which enable
a user to get root access and  "Several exploits have been found that
allow any user on your network to gain full access to your CDE session."
I've searched the web for any info on this and found nothing, sorry if
this is not new news - I just got the letter today.

I don't know any more then this, so please don't flame me.

Finger base16@egor.dyn.ml.org for my Geek-Code
Finger base16@egor.dyn.ml.org for my PGP Public Key

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