[8235] in bugtraq
NT 4.0 SP4 is actually out
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Brian Everding)
Wed Oct 21 17:30:34 1998
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 12:45:23 -0700
Reply-To: Brian Everding <everding@RELEVANCE.NET>
From: Brian Everding <everding@RELEVANCE.NET>
Believe it or not, they've actually released the bugger. The actual
Microsoft ftp is completely hammered, but I managed to get through and
they've posted an alternate site that's easier to get through to:
It's 31.2 megs.
Citizen Brian Everding...Systems Administrator
[ Documentum Inc, Relevance Group ]
(everding@relevance.net / 415-541-7200 x170)