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Secure Locate v1.2

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (klindsay)
Thu Oct 15 14:54:45 1998

Date: 	Wed, 14 Oct 1998 14:25:25 -0700
Reply-To: klindsay <klindsay@MKINTRAWEB.COM>
From: klindsay <klindsay@MKINTRAWEB.COM>

Ooops, the previous email didn't include a URL. (c:

v1.2 of Secure Locate has been released.  It is now 4 times faster as I
recoded the decode function.  It is now much more efficient.

Thanks to all who emailed me with suggestions.

You can get a copy at:


  _   _ _   _
 | \ | | \ | | Kevin Lindsay                  | Powered By Linux!
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 |_| \_|_| \_| klindsay@mkintraweb.com        | System Administration

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