[8188] in bugtraq
Re: Yet more Rconsole.
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Serge Pimenov)
Tue Oct 13 14:44:17 1998
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:40:35 +0300
Reply-To: Serge Pimenov <serge@mospravda.ru>
From: Serge Pimenov <serge@MOSPRAVDA.RU>
J> In the ldremote.ncf file, you will see the command line from above.
J> Add the line "LOAD RSPX" underneath the Load REMOTE line. Save the file.
J> SERVER:load edit autoexec.ncf
J> Remove any previous references to remote.nlm.
J> Add a line near the bottom (wherever is appropriate for you):
J> "ldremote" (without the quotes of course). Save the file.
You also could place this file on DOS partition (where
SERVER.EXE starts from) and add "remove dos"/"secure console"
command to AUTOEXEC.NCF.
Best regards,
Serge Pimenov [ mailto:serge@mospravda.ru ].