[8183] in bugtraq
Re: [root@DEATH.GDS.RO: ]
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Miguel de Icaza)
Tue Oct 13 12:48:47 1998
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 02:45:20 -0500
Reply-To: Miguel de Icaza <miguel@NUCLECU.UNAM.MX>
From: Miguel de Icaza <miguel@NUCLECU.UNAM.MX>
X-To: joey@infodrom.north.de
In-Reply-To: <19981012211931.D11873@finlandia.infodrom.north.de> (message from
Martin Schulze on Mon, 12 Oct 1998 21:19:31 +0200)
> Whooops, can you confirm this?
> Regards,
> Joey
> > mc 4.5.0 creates a temporary file in /tmp when it's started.
> > It's called talk.fish and has the mode 644. If a user would link the
> > file to /etc/passwd or anything else, when the root would start mc, the
> > file would be erased.
This is correct 4.5.0 had this bug. It is fixed in CVS and fixed on
the just released 4.5.1 version available in:
51ae681925f9d2b57323526545c93a36 mc-4.5.1.tar.gz
78f9d190d9e5688ac3775f8d825b106b patch-5.1.gz
Please note as that versions 4.5.xx of Midnight Commander are
development version of Midnight Commander, so they should not be part
of an OS distribution. The stable version is version 4.1.36.
Users of 4.5.0 are urged to upgrade to 4.5.1
best wishes,