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Referer (was Patches for wwwboard.pl)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lincoln Stein)
Mon Oct 12 16:47:08 1998

Date: 	Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:46:07 -0400
Reply-To: lstein@cshl.org
From: Lincoln Stein <lstein@CSHL.ORG>
X-To:         Michael Blythe <michael@CONFLUENCE-INC.COM>
In-Reply-To:  <v04011700b243d7ce7c46@[]>

Michael Blythe writes:
 > In September's 'Web Techniques', Lincoln Stein dicscusses the problem of
 > using the referer header as an authentication method for CGI scripts. He
 > suggests using MD5 to check whether a form's fields have been tampered
 > with. I'm not sure if this would work with the wwwboard, because of the way
 > the script is passing info in hidden fields, but it will work in other
 > applications:
 >  [...]
 > * in perl, the MD5 hash can be computed as follows:
 > $hash = MD5 -> hexhash(MD5->hexhash ($secret) "@untamperable @consistency");

Even though I wrote this, it turns out that this isn't the best way to
compute a message authentication code (MAC).  A more secure technique
is this:

 $hash=MD5->hexhash($secret . MD5->hexhash("$secret @untamperable @consistency"))

I explain the problems with the original scheme in the October issue
of Web Techniques.


Lincoln D. Stein                           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
lstein@cshl.org                                   Cold Spring Harbor, NY

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