[8172] in bugtraq

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Last (hopefully) update on GroupWise

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Simple Nomad)
Mon Oct 12 15:11:36 1998

Date: 	Sat, 10 Oct 1998 21:08:53 -0500
Reply-To: Simple Nomad <thegnome@NMRC.ORG>
From: Simple Nomad <thegnome@NMRC.ORG>

Since several people asked, the GroupWise patch for the POP3 buffer
overflow is at this location:


There is also a buffer overflow condition using the user name in IMAP as
well. This patch supposedly fixes both but we haven't tested this yet. If
you are not on version 5.5 you cannot apply the patch, so you have to
upgrade first (this is why we haven't tested it).

    Simple Nomad    //  "When viewed as a metaphor for the human
 thegnome@nmrc.org  //    condition, the humble GNU C compiler
    www.nmrc.org    //         becomes an endless enigma."

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