[8159] in bugtraq

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Re: Possible DoS in rsh

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Henrik Nordstrom)
Fri Oct 9 15:45:29 1998

Date: 	Fri, 9 Oct 1998 08:14:55 +0200
From: Henrik Nordstrom <hno@HEM.PASSAGEN.SE>
X-To:         nick@ZETA.ORG.AU

Nick Andrew wrote:

> Programs (esp. daemons) which run as root should refuse to read
> control files which are symlinks (and home directories should not
> be on the same partition as /dev!).

Should this be worded: Any service daemons should refuse to read
files which are not files (symlinks, device files, pipes and other
non-disk-file types) or not owned by the right user with proper

Henrik Nordstr=F6m

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