[8132] in bugtraq
Patch for GroupWise buffer overflow
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Simple Nomad)
Thu Oct 8 13:35:19 1998
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 16:39:48 -0500
Reply-To: Simple Nomad <thegnome@nmrc.org>
From: Simple Nomad <thegnome@NMRC.ORG>
I suppose since Novell has no mechanism in place to distribute security
bug fixes to the general public I should pass this along. If you missed
the original advisory, check www.nmrc.org/news or bugtraq archives.
Simple Nomad // "When viewed as a metaphor for the human
thegnome@nmrc.org // condition, the humble GNU C compiler
www.nmrc.org // becomes an endless enigma."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 10:42:27 CDT
From: David Gersic <A02DAG1@noc.niu.edu>
To: Simple Nomad <thegnome@nmrc.org>
Subject: GW Buffer overflow...
Filename: gwia551.exe
Size: 826931
Document ID: 2942874
Title: POP/IMAP Buffer Overflow Patch for GWIA 5.5
Distribution: Public
<Internet> http://support.novell.com/ (select File Finder)
Status: Released
This patch is only for the GroupWise 5.5 GWIA gateway.
It fixes the Buffer Overflow in the 5.5 version of the GroupWise Internet
Agent reported by the N.M.R.C. (Nomad Mobile Research Centre) Advisory.
David Gersic CNE CNE Vanguard dgersic@niu.edu
Systems Programmer Northern Illinois University
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