[8113] in bugtraq
Re: Internet Wide DOS Attack using IRC
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Glenn Tucker)
Sat Oct 3 13:09:27 1998
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 21:49:52 -0700
Reply-To: Glenn Tucker <junk@GEEKBOX.NET>
From: Glenn Tucker <junk@GEEKBOX.NET>
X-To: Kameron Gasso <root@LOCKDOWN.NET>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.02.9810022049540.21334-100000@lockdown.net>
for a lowlevel process viewer for windows95, look for unix95. it can be
obtained at winfiles.com. i don't recal the exact location, and a
slightly lower version can be obained a
ftp.geekbox.net/pub/win32/unix95.zip (i think). it should be unzipped to
c:\windows\command and use 'ps' (thus unix95) to list the processes and
'kill <pid>' to kill them.