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Re: [Bay-ISP] Bay Accelar 1000 series (fwd)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Fernando Schapachnik)
Thu Oct 1 12:16:45 1998

Date: 	Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:25:31 -0300
Reply-To: Fernando Schapachnik <fpscha@NS1.SMINTER.COM.AR>
From: Fernando Schapachnik <fpscha@NS1.SMINTER.COM.AR>

From a Bay Networks list.

----- Forwarded message from Panu Lehti -----

Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 09:12:54 +0300
To: bay-isp@bit.net.au
From: Panu_Lehti@BayNetworks.COM (Panu Lehti)
Subject: Re: [Bay-ISP] Bay Accelar 1000 series (fwd)

We just released a new software version 1.3 for Accelars where the
"problem" is solved. In just released software version 1.3 you can build
access lists to enable telnet, rlogin, http and snmp read/write access only
from certain ip addresses e.g. you can define that one is allowed to access
the routing switch with telnet from a certain ip address/subnet but not
with http etc. There is also other very comprehensive tools to limit the
access in other ways too.

Regards, Panu.

At 11:12 AM 9/30/98 -0300, you wrote:
>May be of interest...
>----- Forwarded message from Steven Hearon -----
>>From owner-bugtraq@netspace.org  Tue Sep 29 16:06:16 1998
>Message-ID: <19980929054311.17428.rocketmail@send1b.yahoomail.com>
>Date:  Mon, 28 Sep 1998 22:43:11 -0700
>Reply-To: Steven Hearon <r700ss@YAHOO.COM>
>Sender: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
>From: Steven Hearon <r700ss@YAHOO.COM>
>Subject:      Bay Accelar 1000 series
>To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
>I dont know if this has been posted if so ignore it please.
>    For those of you lucky people to have a Bay Accelar 1000 series
>here is something you might find interesting..
>If one enables the HTTP server (Configuration Interface) on the Bay
>Accelar 1000 series (I do not know if this is true on other


>----- End of forwarded message from Steven Hearon -----

Panu Lehti, plehti@baynetworks.com              Tel +358-9-6969 3714
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----- End of forwarded message from Panu Lehti -----

Fernando P. Schapachnik
Administracion de la red
S&M Internet

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