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Remote DoS Attack in GoodTech Telnet Server NT v2.2.1

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ussr Labs)
Mon Dec 6 14:43:22 1999

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Message-Id:  <NCBBKFKDOLAGKIAPMILPAEDACBAA.labs@ussrback.com>
Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1999 03:18:18 -0300
Reply-To: Ussr Labs <labs@USSRBACK.COM>
From: Ussr Labs <labs@USSRBACK.COM>
X-To:         BUGTRAQ <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>

Remote DoS Attack in GoodTech Telnet Server NT v2.2.1 Vulnerability


UssrLabs found a Remote DoS Attack in GoodTech Telnet Server NT v2.2.1,
the buffer overflow is caused by a long user name 23870 characters.

There is not much to expand on.... just a simple hole

[gimmemore@itsme]$ telnet example.com
Trying example.com...
Connected to example.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

Welcome to GoodTech Telnet Server for Windows NT (V2.2) (Evaluation Copy)

(C) Copyright 1996-1999 GoodTech Systems, Inc.

Login username: (buffer)

Overflow Crashh.

Where (buffer) is 23870 characters.

Vendor Status:

Vendor   Url: http://www.goodtechsys.com/
Program Url: http://www.goodtechsys.com/products.htm


    Nothing yet.

u n d e r g r o u n d  s e c u r i t y  s y s t e m s  r e s e a r c h

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