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Re: serious Qpopper 3.0 vulnerability

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Josh Higham)
Wed Dec 1 12:21:27 1999

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Message-Id:  <0b6001bf3b5b$e42d4ce0$16e1fcce@adhara.bigsky.net>
Date:         Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:54:03 -0700
Reply-To: Josh Higham <jhigham@BIGSKY.NET>
From: Josh Higham <jhigham@BIGSKY.NET>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mixter <mixter@NEWYORKOFFICE.COM>
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 10:23 AM
Subject: serious Qpopper 3.0 vulnerability

>PS: The installation file suggests to run qpopper without tcpd, e.g.:
>pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/lib/qpopper qpopper -s
>I would NOT suggest doing it that way. Use:
>pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd qpopper -s
>instead. At least for me it works behind a tcp wrapper, and that way,
>you can use access control and every connection _attempt_ gets logged.

Does anyone know why qpopper suggests running without wrappers?  Does it
lose some functionality that way, or is it deadwood from a previous
incompatibility between tcpd and qpopper?  It seems pretty significant to
suggest not using wrappers, and I would expect a significant reason for
that, but I don't recall seeing anything about it in the docs.

Josh Higham

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