[12769] in bugtraq

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FICS buffer overflow

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (canul)
Tue Nov 30 11:48:01 1999

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Message-Id:  <Pine.BSO.4.20.9911291455330.12102-100000@halflife.dyn.insomnia.org>
Date:         Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:57:30 -0500
Reply-To: canul <canul@HALFLIFE.DYN.INSOMNIA.ORG>
X-To:         bugtraq@securityfocus.com

While documenting the FICS (free internet chess server) protocol for
purposes of an alternative to the xboard program, I encountered what looks
to be a potential for attack. This vulnerability has been verified by one
of the largest fics based systems, chess.net <http://www.chess.net>.

The problem involves unchecked user input to a fixed length
string. Non-denial of services exploitation of the questionable code looks
possible but not trivial, as there is not room in the buffer for shell
code, but putting it elsewhere is certainly a possibility. I have written
a patch that resolves the problem, in some fashion.

--- gameproc.c	Tue Nov 16 13:52:31 1999
+++ gameproc.1.c	Sat Nov 20 19:45:08 1999
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 						Second is obsproc.c.
    DAV				96/7/1		Added avail stuff
+/* canul@halflife.dyn.insomnia.org  com_boards buffer overflow fix */

 #include "stdinclude.h"

@@ -1445,6 +1446,16 @@

   if (param[0].type == TYPE_WORD)
     category = param[0].val.word;
+#	define CATEGORY_LIMIT 100
+  if (strlen(category) > CATEGORY_LIMIT)
+  {
+      pprintf(p, "That category exceeds the string limit\n");
+	  return COM_OK;
+  }
   if (category) {
     pprintf(p, "Boards Available For Category %s:\n", category);
     sprintf(dname, "%s/%s", board_dir, category);

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