[12742] in bugtraq
Re: WordPad/riched20.dll buffer overflow
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (pedward@WEBCOM.COM)
Fri Nov 26 12:33:36 1999
Content-Type: text
Message-Id: <199911260917.BAA00917@eris.webcom.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 01:17:50 -0800
Reply-To: pedward@WEBCOM.COM
From: pedward@WEBCOM.COM
X-To: core.lists.bugtraq@core-sdi.com
In-Reply-To: <383C2BE8.7BD90AB9@core-sdi.com> from "Gerardo Richarte" at Nov
24, 99 03:14:10 pm
I seem to recall a Linux kernel guru explaining that the x86 MMU doesn't actually
support non-exec pages, or some such. It doesn't support it, or it just doesn't
work right. I remember bringing up the issue of noexec and that was the answer.
> Ok, here it is, on page 58, it's talking about Access Control of virtual
> pages, and it says, literally if a page can be read, it can be executed. I
> remember that this took my attention for some days, then I forgot about it, until
> you mentioned it.
> richie
Perry Harrington Director of zelur xuniL ()
perry@webcom.com System Architecture Think Blue. /\