[12707] in bugtraq
Re: local users can panic linux kernel (was: SuSE syslogdadvisory)
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jefferson Ogata)
Tue Nov 23 17:03:09 1999
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Message-Id: <383AFA5C.C79F9ED3@nodc.noaa.gov>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:34:36 -0500
Reply-To: jogata@NODC.NOAA.GOV
From: Jefferson Ogata <jogata@NODC.NOAA.GOV>
I think it should be pointed out that datagram messages to a Unix domain socket
don't suffer the same network load losses that datagram messages across an
ethernet do. The quality of reception will generally be based purely on system
load, since an external network is not involved. You won't be losing lots of log
messages on account of a large file transfer between two other hosts.
Therefore, I think reliance on datagram-based syslog to a Unix domain socket is
not so prone to failure as some other posters have implied.
Jefferson Ogata <jogata@nodc.noaa.gov> National Oceanographic Data Center
You can't step into the same river twice. -- Herakleitos