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Re: local users can panic linux kernel (was: SuSE syslogd

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan Cox)
Tue Nov 23 01:39:07 1999

Content-Type: text
Message-Id:  <E11q14h-0004Ai-00@the-village.bc.nu>
Date:         Mon, 22 Nov 1999 21:32:38 +0000
Reply-To: Alan Cox <alan@LXORGUK.UKUU.ORG.UK>
From: Alan Cox <alan@LXORGUK.UKUU.ORG.UK>
X-To:         saw@MSU.RU
In-Reply-To:  <19991120120126.A14799@castle.nmd.msu.ru> from "Savochkin Andrey
              Vladimirovich" at Nov 20, 99 12:01:26 pm

> It isn't clear for me what can be done to protect the whole system inside
> syslogd.  Does anybody knows what SuSE really changed?
> Their source package isn't very helpful.

There were two notable problems

1.	Syslogd defaulted to stream sockets which means you have resource
	control problems - in fact Dan Bernstein posted some very good stuff
	about that issue about a year ago

2.	The client code decided it would be a good idea to wait - ie do a
	blocking connect. Unfortunate it someone ate all the syslog handles

With a datagram system it comes down to losing messages under load. I think that
is about as good as you can get.


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