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Re: ssh 1.2.27 limits patch

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ultor)
Wed Nov 17 15:36:00 1999

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Message-Id:  <199911162040.UAA17339@www.sowatech.com.pl>
Date:         Tue, 16 Nov 1999 18:54:37 +0100
Reply-To: Ultor <ultor@SOWATECH.COM.PL>
From: Ultor <ultor@SOWATECH.COM.PL>
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Ok only one thing more cause I get lot of letters from the people who says how to configure sshd with pam limits. So this patch is for system without PAM ! On systems with PAM u just have to add "-DHAVE_PAM" to the makefile.

Ultor [Ultor@sowatech.com.pl] - Network Security Adviser
I hack the heads of little girls and put them on my wall

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