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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (antirez@INVECE.ORG)
Tue Nov 16 13:01:35 1999

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Message-Id:  <19991116183719.A1005@nagash.suidshell.net>
Date:         Tue, 16 Nov 1999 18:37:19 +0100
Reply-To: antirez@invece.org
From: antirez@INVECE.ORG
X-To:         bugtraq@SECURITYFOCUS.COM, firewall-wizards@nfr.net


Maybe somebody remembers that some time ago I've posted a little C program:
'hping.c'. Since Dicember 1998 I've enanched the idea of hping in my spare
time, so now is available a beta of a tool better than old hping
that I called with a lot of fantasy "hping2". hping2 compile and run under
Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD but maybe it is more usable/stable under Linux.
However if you need a totally stable/portable/bug-free tool maybe hping2
isn't for you. Since hping2 is composed of ~4000 C lines, help in developing
is really welcomed. Also I hope I'll receive suggestions and critics.
I want thanks fhex <dira@speedcom.it> and Mika <mika@qualys.com> for their
contributions. Sorry for the bad english of this mail, inside hping2 source
code and hping2 docs, but I don't write a good italian.. go figure english ;)
Current hping2 version is the 2.0.0-beta52 and is downloadable from



From hping2 README:


	hping2 is a network tool able to send custom ICMP/UDP/TCP
	packets and to display target replies like ping do with
	ICMP replies. hping2 handle fragmentation, arbitrary packet
	body and size and can be used in order to transfer files
	under supported protocols. Using hping2 you are able at
	least to perform the following jobs:

	- Test firewall rules
	- [spoofed] port scanning
	- Test net performance using differents protocols,
	  packet size, TOS (type of service) and fragmentation.
	- Path MTU discovery
	- Files trasfering even between really fascist firewall rules.
	- Traceroute like under different protocols.
	- Firewalk like usage.
	- Remote OS fingerprint.
	- TCP/IP stack auditing.
	- A lot of others.

	It's also really a good didactic tool to learn TCP/IP.

	hping2 is developed and manteined by antirez@invece.org
	and comes under GPL version 2 of license. Developing is
	open so you can send me patches/suggestions/affronts without


	The hping2 primary download site is the following:


	I want thank kyuzz@kyuzz.org for web space/band usage.
	However since beta46 hping2 comes with libpcap-4.0 src
	I'll appreciate if someone can offer a mirror in US
	(current tarball size is ~ 170k bytes so maybe not italian people
	will experience some problem to download hping2 from Italy.)


	A supported unix-like OS* , gcc, root access.

	* hping2-beta52 support:
		Linux	(tested on 2.0 / 2.2)
		OpenBSD (tested on 2.3 and 2.5)
		FreeBSD (tested on 3.3)

  Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez@invece.org> - ALICOM snc - www.alicom.com
pgp key: finger antirez@tella.alicom.com  [2852F54A49653429 1D1BF6DA24C712BF]
"ha conati di vomito la terra, e si stravolge il cielo con le stelle, e non
c'e' modo di fuggire, e non c'e' modo di fuggire, mai." CCCP fedeli alla linea

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