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Re: Windows NT update carries bug

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan J. Wylie)
Tue Nov 16 12:26:35 1999

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Message-Id:  <14385.9644.871946.130726@galapagos.uk-dev.cyranet>
Date:         Tue, 16 Nov 1999 09:36:44 +0000
Reply-To: "Alan J. Wylie" <alanw@CYRANO.COM>
From: "Alan J. Wylie" <alanw@CYRANO.COM>
In-Reply-To:  <199911152118.NAA07960@abv-sjc2-nw2.cnet.com>

>>>>> "Ken" == Williams, Ken <ken.williams@EY.COM> writes:

    Ken> A software update for Microsoft's Windows NT operating system
    Ken> introduced a bug that could potentially cripple Lotus Notes
    Ken> unless companies compromise network security.

    Ken>   The bug in Windows NT Service Pack 6 prevents users from
    Ken> accessing Lotus Notes without administrator rights--the
    Ken> highest and broadest level of access typically reserved for
    Ken> network managers.

SP6 also stops VNC[1] from working unless run with administrator
privileges. The error message is something like "error
disabling Nagle's algorithm".  This is apparently a result of
a _tightening_ of security in the TCP/IP code.

For more discussion, see:

[1] an open source cross platform remote display system,

Alan J. Wylie (Cyrano UK Ltd.) | mailto:alanw@cyrano.com
http://www.cyrano.com          | http://www.glaramara.freeserve.co.uk/

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