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Re: networksolutions CRYPT-PW salt (was: Re: Insecure handling of

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (der Mouse)
Fri Nov 12 12:42:21 1999

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Message-Id:  <199911112016.PAA16256@Twig.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
Date:         Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:16:29 -0500
Reply-To: der Mouse <mouse@RODENTS.MONTREAL.QC.CA>
From: der Mouse <mouse@RODENTS.MONTREAL.QC.CA>

> [T]his makes networksolutions' crypted passwords far more vulnerable
> to attack using a pre-generated dictionary [...] effectively there is
> no salt at all.

Right.  Isn't that delightful of them?

Of course, there's also the question, what if the first two characters
do not belong to the a-zA-Z0-9./ set that are used to represent hashed
passwords?  Then the first two chars aren't a valid salt at all.

Feh.  Of all the people to make a gross blunder like this....

					der Mouse

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