[12512] in bugtraq
Re: [Re: FreeBSD 3.3's seyon vulnerability]
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Brock Tellier)
Wed Nov 10 12:52:40 1999
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Message-Id: <19991109232348.10540.qmail@nwcst315.netaddress.usa.net>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 16:23:48 MST
Reply-To: Brock Tellier <btellier@USA.NET>
From: Brock Tellier <btellier@USA.NET>
X-To: Bill Fumerola <billf@chc-chimes.com>
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It would be nice if you:
(a) filed a pr using send-pr(1) or the web interface
(b) contacted security-officer@FreeBSD.org
(c) sent mail to the maintainer of the port
I've sent mail to security-officer@freebsd.org several times regarding the
"faxalter" exploit and "amanda" exploit and recieved no response.
Interestingly, now that I have neglected to send mail to this address, I've
recieved a response from someone. You can't expect people to keep sending
mail into the void until someone at FreeBSD decides that "this one is
important enough". I gave the standard week or so to recieve email back for
the previous vulnerabilities I reported and will do so in the future. If I
don't hear back, you can bet I'll still post.
Brock Tellier
UNIX Systems Administrator
Chicago, IL, USA
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