[12466] in bugtraq
Re: Overflow in tcplog.c (VD#3)
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (CyberPsychotic)
Sat Nov 6 17:22:16 1999
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Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.10.9911042044380.433-100000@mad.unix.kg>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 20:49:31 +0500
Reply-To: CyberPsychotic <fygrave@SCORPIONS.NET>
From: CyberPsychotic <fygrave@SCORPIONS.NET>
X-To: Blue Boar <BlueBoar@THIEVCO.COM>
In-Reply-To: <3823DCFC.10CAD447@thievco.com>
~ :I was just visiting http://www.echelon.wiretapped.net and downloaded a
~ :small file called "tcplog.c" with no author or version stated. It is for
~ :logging connections to your box (linux only).
~ :
~ :There are some minor coding gripes I could make, but line 107
~ :takes a risk with the size of a hostname
~ :
~ : 98 char *hostlookup(unsigned long int in)
~ : 99 {
Yep. I have notified phroid about the problem about a year ago or so,
while was adding some additional features to his code, and he told me he
took care of the problem. I also have added several other features to his
code (and fixed the bug of course). If intersted, you could check the code
out at http://www.kalug.lug.net/tcplogd/.
hope it helps.
* Some day this will be a full-fledged user tracking system..
- <linux/sched.h>