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Re: RedHat 6.0, /dev/pts permissions bug when using xterm

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Brian D. Winters)
Mon Jun 14 15:44:24 1999

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Date: 	Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:46:08 -0700
Reply-To: "Brian D. Winters" <brianw@ALUMNI.CALTECH.EDU>
From: "Brian D. Winters" <brianw@ALUMNI.CALTECH.EDU>
In-Reply-To:  <19990611112941.A3686@penguin.wunsch.org>; from Scott Wunsch on
              Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 11:29:42AM -0600

On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 11:29:42AM -0600, Scott Wunsch wrote:
> > This is not sufficient when using rxvt and apparently several other
> > xterm-a-likes.  By default rxvt overides the gid with the user's gid
> > and changes the permissions to 622, even if the permissions specified
> > in fstab are more restrictive than 622.  The solution with rxvt is to
> > pass --enable-ttygid to the configure script.
> I've been playing with this, and --enable-ttygid isn't enough either.  It looks
> like rxvt has to bee suid root in order to set the gid on the tty.  Mortals
> can't do it:
> [scott@pytheas] ~$ chgrp tty /dev/pts/1
> chgrp: you are not a member of group `tty': Operation not permitted
> So which one is the bigger security risk?  Suid root xterms or world-writable
> pseudottys?

Sorry to respond a few days late, but it just occurred to me what you
are missing here.  My rxvt is not suid or sgid, because /dev/pts is
mounted with tty as the default group, which was mentioned earlier as
being part of the solution:

none                    /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0

On my system gid 5 is tty.  So, if you do that and use the
--enable-ttygid switch when you build rxvt, you have no world writable
pseudottys and rxvt has no special privileges.  Sounds to me like that
is as good as it gets.


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