[10787] in bugtraq

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Re: Bug in WTS 4.0 on WinNT 4.0 sp4

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (mRm3n4c3)
Thu Jun 10 14:44:27 1999

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Message-Id: <199906101658390029.04D98746@mailhost.cinet.no>
Date: 	Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:58:39 +0200
Reply-To: mistr@marmelade.net
From: mRm3n4c3 <mistr@MARMELADE.NET>
In-Reply-To:  <D3CE121ECB5CD2118CFB0000F87ACBA11D1900@bnexch01.mincom.oz.au>

I'm sorry to see I have neglected to inform you of this.
There is another NT file/ print server running also exchange 5.0...
It is this server that is set to be BDC.
Again, sorry for not telling you all this right away.

(][there is no spoon][)

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On 10.06.99 at 16:13 Aaron Power wrote:
>Are your WTS machines configured as BDC's or member servers?
>Aaron Power.


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