[10783] in bugtraq

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Re: unneeded information in sudo

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Brock Rozen)
Thu Jun 10 14:44:19 1999

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Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.10.9906100934330.18146-100000@rina.torah.org>
Date: 	Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:36:50 +0300
Reply-To: Brock Rozen <brozen@TORAH.ORG>
From: Brock Rozen <brozen@TORAH.ORG>
X-To:         Bencsath Boldizsar <boldi@BUDAPEST.HU>
In-Reply-To:  <Pine.LNX.4.10.9906082113100.25130-100000@sas.fph.hu>

I just submitted this to the Debian BTS at submit@bugs.debian.org

It should appear soon (a day or two) at

I don't have a direct url because the bug hasn't been assigned a tracking
number yet. The above url should do, and I submitted the bug with a
severity level of "Important", so it should be at the top of that page.


Brock Rozen                                              brozen@torah.org
Director of Technical Services                             (410) 602-1350
Project Genesis                                     http://www.torah.org/

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