[10755] in bugtraq

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Re: Buffer overflows in smbval library

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Richard Sharpe)
Tue Jun 8 13:14:21 1999

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Date: 	Tue, 8 Jun 1999 18:23:10 +0900
Reply-To: Richard Sharpe <sharpe@NS.AUS.COM>
From: Richard Sharpe <sharpe@NS.AUS.COM>
In-Reply-To:  <19990607084421.A9224@wealsowalkdogs.com>

At 08:44 AM 6/7/99 -0700, Patrick Michael Kane <pmk@WEALSOWALKDOGS.COM> wrote:
>One follow-up.  I misattributed authorship of the smbval library.  It was
>written by Richard Sharpe, not Alexander O. Yuriev.


I can't remember writing smbval.

I do remember writing SMBlib, and am certain that pam_smb is based on that,
and I freely admit that it could have buffer overflows in it.

I have learned since :-)

Richard Sharpe, sharpe@ns.aus.com, NS Computer Software and Services P/L,
Samba (Team member www.samba.org), Ethereal (Team member www.zing.org)
Co-author, SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours
Author, First Australian Linux Course

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