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Re: RedHat 6.0, /dev/pts permissions bug when using xterm

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (S.G.)
Tue Jun 8 13:13:56 1999

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Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.96.990608173234.3200C-100000@avene.eef.rtu.lv>
Date: 	Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:46:02 +0200
Reply-To: "S.G." <mario@AVENE.EEF.RTU.LV>
From: "S.G." <mario@AVENE.EEF.RTU.LV>
In-Reply-To:  <375AC8B8.EE68F0C3@idirect.ca>

vwry nice this problem applayes also to Midnight Commander both under X
and text mode

under kde this problem applyes to rxwt, but not to kvt, xterm and nxterm

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, noc-wage wrote:

> Once again I've come up with another trivial Denial of Service flaw,
> (wow,
> I seem to be good at this Conseal Firewall, +++ath0, ppp byte-stuffing)
> It's been a few months since my last DoS, so here you go:
> Many of you RedHat 6.0 users who installed RedHat 6.0 rather than
> upgrading may have noticed the new way RedHat displays remote TTY's.
> Instead of the old fashioned /dev/ttyp<number>, it now uses
> /dev/pts/<number>.  There is a flaw in this new implementation that
> local
> users can exploit to cause minor disruption to anyone using X-windows on
> the local machine.
> This DoS is more of a nuisance than a "real problem" but it could
> possibly
> be used to cause some minor havok.
> The way it works is simple.  When whoever is using X opens up an "xterm"
> (eterm, rxvt, nxterm...) a connection is made to the X server.
> If you do a "who" you will see:
> (RedHat 6.0, without upgrading from previous RedHat release)
> wage     pts/0    Jun  6 01:39 (:0.0)
> Or on older versions:
> wage     ttyp0    Jun  6 01:39 (:0.0)
> Now this is normal, but the problem lies within the permissions of that
> device.
> On older RedHat's if you did:
> ls -l /dev/ttyp3 you would see:
> crw-------   1 wage     tty        3,   0 Jun  6 12:41 /dev/ttyp0
> Which is normal and what it should look like.
> For those of you who may be new to unix those letters at the beginning
> of
> the line indicate the permissions on the device.
> For our output above, the line indicates it is a device (c), and that
> the
> OWNER has read and write permissions (rw)
> Group has no permissions (---), and everyone has no permissions (---)
> They basically go <type indicator><owner><group><everyone>
> An example line of a device will ALL permissions set follows:
>                crwxrwxrwx
>                 /   |   \
>            Owner  Group  Everyone
> This means that everyone has read/write/execute permissions to that
> device.
> So as you can see our ttyp0 can only be read or written to by it's owner
> (and root).
> In the case of RedHat 6.0 with regular remote connections (like telnet)
> the standard permissions are as follows:
> crw--w----   1 ov3r     tty     136,   0 Jun  6 12:32 /dev/pts/0
> Here it's almost the same except that group "tty" also has write access.
> The problem lies in the way that the permissions are set for local
> connections with the X server using xterm.
> if you do an ls -l /dev/pts/<the xterm's tty> (we will use pts/0)
> You get:
> crw--w--w-   1 ov3r     ov3r     136,   0 Jun  6 12:32 /dev/pts/0
> Notice how now "everyone" has write access to this terminal?
> This leads to the hole that any local user can disrupt any xterminal
> connected to the local machine.  Simply typing "cat /dev/urandom >
> /dev/pts/<number>" will flood the xterm with garbage data making it
> impossible to use.  Or we can also bring back the old "flash" attack and
> flash the user's xterm by dumping ASCII escape characters to his
> terminal.
> This isn't a particularily "deadly" DoS attack, but can be used as a
> nuisance OR perhaps even to trick the user into doing something he may
> not want to do.  (For example dumping "Login:"  then "Password:" to the
> terminal may trick the user into adding his login/password to a file or
> to
> his .bash_history).
> --
> Max Schau (noc-wage) <wage@idirect.ca>/<nocwage@globalserve.net>
> KeyID 1024/0F699BD3
> "The only secure computer is one that's unplugged, locked in a
> safe, and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location...
> and i'm not even too sure about that one"--Dennis Huges, FBI

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