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Re: Bastille Linux amd kha0S Linux

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Rik van Riel)
Sun Jun 6 13:26:12 1999

Mime-Version: 1.0
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Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.03.9906052333180.534-100000@mirkwood.nl.linux.org>
Date: 	Sat, 5 Jun 1999 23:39:14 +0200
Reply-To: Rik van Riel <riel@NL.LINUX.ORG>
From: Rik van Riel <riel@NL.LINUX.ORG>
X-To:         "M. Adam Kendall" <mak@KHA0S.ORG>

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, M. Adam Kendall wrote:

> >Finally, there are several other secure Linux projects in development.
> kha0S has much the same vision as OpenBSD: Audited code, small
> footprint, and cryptographic components.

This seems like a good time and place to mention the goals
of the other distributions:
- Bastille Linux: a safe 'handout' Linux that sysadmins can
  give to users on their network without worrying about security
- 'Secure Linux' (no name yet, please visit the voting page):
  a secured internet server Linux system, including both extra
  security measures and extra server functionality

> Also, one other thing to note is that unlike the other
> distributions, we do have a vision and current course of action,

Euhmm. It seems like Bastille Linux and 'our' secure linux
also have that...  It's just that kha0s has some code, whereas
Bastille Linux and secure linux are still in the design stage.

> Should anyone want to view the three major secure linux projects,
> the web sites listed should give anyone enough information about
> all of them.
> 	kha0S:  		http://kha0s.org
> 	Bastille:  		http://www.bastille-linux.org
> 	Secure Linux?:  	http://www.reseau.nl/securelinux
> I beleive that all three have mailing lists that you can join
> should you wish.

Last night, I also set up a common mailing list for all
secured Linux projects. That list is specifically to
avoid too much double work and to share good ideas.

The list:
$ echo subscribe securedistros | mail majordomo@nl.linux.org


Rik -- Open Source: you deserve to be in control of your data.
| Le Reseau netwerksystemen BV:               http://www.reseau.nl/ |
| Linux Memory Management site:   http://www.linux.eu.org/Linux-MM/ |
| Nederlandse Linux documentatie:          http://www.nl.linux.org/ |

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