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[ PRIVACY Forum ] The strangest Android error message I've ever seen

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (PRIVACY Forum mailing list)
Thu Jul 4 21:24:56 2024

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The strangest Android error message I've ever seen

OK, this has gotta be the oddest Android error message I've ever seen. I
had installed the UserLAnd app on an Android 14 tablet to run an
experiment (it permits installation of various Linux distributions).

When I went to uninstall it, at the end of the process an error popped
(whether this was actually related to the uninstall or not I don't know
for sure):

Share Heap Error

The com.android.settings process exceeded its memory limit of 480MB
please colleagues test grab logs through 3333 and report problems

and an OK selection box.

It also threw a notification:

Shell: Android system exceeded memory limit, tap to share.

I avoided touching the OK popup or the notification and just shut down.

I have no idea WHOM it wanted to send this data to.

Talk about an internal error message being exposed.


 - - -
Lauren Weinstein 
lauren@vortex.com (https://www.vortex.com/lauren)
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