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[ PRIVACY Forum ] Ask Google Search a simple question,

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (PRIVACY Forum mailing list)
Tue Jun 25 22:13:48 2024

Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:03:47 -0700
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Ask Google Search a simple question, and get an AI Overview "guess"
that is totally wrong

I asked Google Search where a particular product was made. I already
knew the answer: China. But the Google AI Overview at the top just now
confidently told me it was made in the USA!

How come? Because Google AI doesn't really understand anything. It
just does LLM calculations and takes a guess. In this case, I looked
at the (pastel, hard to see) reference link under the answer.

Going to that page, the situation was instantly clear. At the top of
the page, the seller proudly stated that all of its flagship products
are made in the USA! But the product I asked about is NOT one of their
flagship products, and a human would have instantly understood that.

But Google AI has no "I" -- it is artificial, yes, but has NO
intelligence. And the same can be said for the other LLM AI systems as

The hype of the century.

 - - -
Lauren Weinstein 
lauren@vortex.com (https://www.vortex.com/lauren)
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