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[ PRIVACY Forum ] Why I don't trust generative AI

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (PRIVACY Forum mailing list)
Mon Jun 24 00:21:15 2024

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Why I don't trust generative AI

I simply do not trust generative AI answers from any platform. Even
when there are sources shown, I can't know what parts of the answers
are from which of the sources, or how the data from those sources
might have been massaged, mangled, and misinterpreted to generate the

I might as well just go directly to the sources, which is exactly what
I would have done via blue links before (for example) Google AI
Overviews existed.

When I see (or hear, e.g., via Google Home) a conventional sourced
answer to a question (e.g., According to the American Medical
Association website ...) I know what I'm dealing with.

Not so with generative AI answers. They are impossible to reasonably
evaluate. They are blacker boxes than the AI firms themselves, and the
firms will not stand behind the answers and take any responsibility
for them at all, hiding behind "these may be wrong, double check!"

They are, essentially, worse than useless.


 - - -
Lauren Weinstein 
lauren@vortex.com (https://www.vortex.com/lauren)
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