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[ PRIVACY Forum ] First responders ask the Senate to drop drone ban

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (PRIVACY Forum mailing list)
Mon Jun 17 17:21:29 2024

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First responders ask the Senate to drop drone ban (my radio segment tonight)

Tonight on my usual Monday evening national network radio tech
segment, I'll be discussing the joint letter sent to the Senate Armed
Services Committee by a very large number of law enforcement, rescue,
fire departments, and other groups, asking them to drop the House's
drone ban in the upcoming Senate version of the legislation, saying
that the ban would put lives, the economy, and critical infrastructure
at risk. And they're correct -- the ban is a terrible idea. -L

 - - -
Lauren Weinstein 
lauren@vortex.com (https://www.vortex.com/lauren)
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