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[ PRIVACY Forum ] Google breaks a useful YouTube feature

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (PRIVACY Forum mailing list)
Mon Jun 17 13:20:11 2024

Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:01:13 -0700
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Google breaks a useful YouTube feature

Apparently Google has now managed to break a useful feature for
YouTube on TVs. A recent update implemented a rather crude
"screensaver" feature that cuts in if you pause a YT video for more
than a few minutes. It's quite useless. Amusingly, it moves the
screensaver image around a bit presumably to avoid burn-in, but leaves
the bright white YouTube logo in a fixed position. Oh well.

More to the point, once the screensaver starts, you lose voice control
of the video. That is, normally you can say "Pause YouTube" to any
nearby device (e.g., Google Mini) to pause the video, and then "Resume
YouTube" to start it up again. But once the screensaver starts, you
can no longer resume by voice, you just get "Nothing is playing". Nor
is there any way I can find to disable this lame new screensaver

Thanks a bunch Google. Jeez. Google, on a quest to break everything
that used to work.

 - - -
Lauren Weinstein 
lauren@vortex.com (https://www.vortex.com/lauren)
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