[187] in UA Exec

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Package/letter at SAO waiting for (Package ID: 2009-12-18-2)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (SAO Desk)
Fri Dec 18 14:13:32 2009

Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:13:21 -0700
To: ua-exec@mit.edu
From: SAO Desk <sao-desk@MIT.EDU>

I am writing from the Student Activities Office to inform you that we are holding a package or letter for you. When picking up, please have your MIT Identification Card and refer to the following information:

     Student Group:  UA

     Package from:  Distribution Services
     Package ID:  2009-12-18-2
     Description:  brown box (what can brown do for you?)
IMPORTANT: We will be holding this item for THREE business days only, after which it will be returned to sender. We're located in W20-549. Packages can be picked up from 11 AM-5 PM, Monday through Friday.* Please come to the front desk for all inquiries.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the front desk at (617) 253-6777 or <sao-desk@mit.edu>.

Thank you,

SAO Student Worker

* Please note that the office occasionally closes early or is closed for holidays. Feel free to contact the office to verify its hours.

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