[2870] in OS/2_Discussion
User Group Contests
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (RonFiretag@aol.com)
Fri Jul 19 17:51:06 2002
From: RonFiretag@aol.com
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 17:50:36 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
This message is being sent to one person from each user group to let you
know about the Best Web Site Contest and Best Newsletter Contest that the
Association of Personal Computer User Groups is having this year. We will
recognize the groups, the editors, and the webmasters who win these contests.
There will be a total of twenty winners, including the overall winners and
winners in categories for groups of different sizes based on the number of
members in each group. Judges will be encouraged to provide comments that
would let you know what they liked and what they think could be improved.
The rules of these contests can be found at
http://www.apcug.org/reports/jul02/r020728.htm and the three most important
things for you to know about those rules are that all entries must be
received by us no later than September 1, 2002, there is no entry fee, but
these contests are only open to groups that are members of APCUG. This means
that your users group would have to join APCUG for us to consider your entry.
APCUG helps its member computer user groups succeed in ways that are
described here: http://www.apcug.org/apcug/services.htm and the many services
that we provide are well worth our low membership fee.
If your group wants to join APCUG in time for this year's contest, the
cost is $75 which pays for the rest of 2002 and all of 2003. Your group
would send a check for $75.00 made payable to APCUG (or: Association of PC
User Groups) and mail it and the completed membership application to:
42 Lake Ave. Extension #152
Danbury, CT 06811, USA.
The membership application can be found at:
Whether or not you decide to enter our contests, good luck with your group.
Ron Feiertag
Chair, APCUG Contests Committee