[95881] in North American Network Operators' Group

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RE: Abuse procedures... Reality Checks

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Barry Shein)
Sun Apr 8 19:13:21 2007

From: Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 19:11:41 -0400
To: Robert Bonomi <bonomi@mail.r-bonomi.com>
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <200704080141.l381fJ4E018879@s25.firmware.com>
Errors-To: owner-nanog@merit.edu

Bingo. Read the note below again, it is the path to enlightenment,

Shein's law of resources:

	Needs, no matter how dire or just, do not alone create the
	resources necessary to fulfill.

On April 7, 2007 at 20:41 bonomi@mail.r-bonomi.com (Robert Bonomi) wrote:
 > > From: "Frank Bulk" <frnkblk@iname.com>
 > > Subject: RE: Abuse procedures... Reality Checks
 > > Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 16:20:59 -0500
 > >
 > > > If they can't hold the outbound abuse down to a minimum, then 
 > > > I guess I'll have to make up for their negligence on my end.  
 > >
 > > Sure, block that /29, but why block the /24, /20, or even /8?  Perhaps your
 > > (understandable) frustration is preventing you from agreeing with me on this
 > > specific case.  Because what you usually see is an IP from a /20 or larger
 > > and the network operators aren't dealing with it.  In the example I gave
 > > it's really the smaller /29 that's the culprit, it sounds like you want to
 > > punish a larger group, perhaps as large as an AS, for the fault of smaller
 > > network.
 > BLUNT QUESTIONS:  *WHO*  pays me to figure out 'which parts' of a provider's
 > network are riddled with problems and 'which parts' are _not_?  *WHO* pays
 > me to do the research to find out where the end-user boundaries are? *WHY*
 > should _I_ have to do that work -- If the 'upstream provider' is incapable of
 > keeping _their_own_house_ clean, why should I spend the time trying to figure
 > out which of their customers are 'bad guys' and which are not?
 > A provider *IS* responsible for the 'customers it _keeps_'.
 > And, unfortunately, a customer is 'tarred by the brush' of the reputation
 > of it's provider.
 > > Smaller operators, like those that require just a /29, often don't have that
 > > infrastructure.  Those costs, as I'm sure you aware, are passed on to
 > > companies like yourself that have to maintain their own network's security.
 > > Again, block them, I say, just don't swallow others up in the process.
 > If the _UPSTREAM_ of that 'small operator' cannot 'police' its own customers,
 > Why should _I_ absorb the costs that _they_ are unwilling to internalize?
 > If they want to sell 'cheap' service, but not 'doing what is necessary', I
 > see no reason to 'facilitate' their cut-rate operations.
 > Those who buy service from such a provider, 'based on cost',  *deserve* what
 > they get, when their service "doesn't work as well" as that provided by the
 > full-price competition.
 > _YOUR_ connectivity is only as good as the 'reputation' of whomever it is 
 > that you buy connectivity from.
 > You might want to consider _why_ the provider *keeps* that 'offensive' 
 > customer.  There would seem to be only a few possible explanations:  (1) they
 > are 'asleep at the switch', (2) that customer pays enough that they can
 > 'afford' to have multiple other customers who are 'dis-satisfied', or who
 > may even leave that provider, (3) they aren't willing to 'spend the money'
 > to run a clean operation.  (_None_ of those seems like a good reason for _me_
 > to spend extra money 'on behalf of' _their_ clients.)

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