[8885] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Read this...Re: offtopic for NANOG - do not read

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Carl Oppedahl)
Sat Apr 26 16:58:26 1997

Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 13:54:04 -0400
To: Vince Wolodkin <wolodkin@digitalink.com>, edns-discuss@MCS.Net
From: Carl Oppedahl <carl@oppedahl.com>
Cc: Geoff White <geoffw@precipice.v-site.net>, Karl Denninger <karl@MCS.Net>,
        Paul A Vixie <paul@vix.com>, nanog@merit.edu, newdom@ar.com

At 04:31 PM 04/26/97 -0400, Vince Wolodkin wrote:

>The only
>thing NSI has truly done that is awful is their TM dispute policy, and
>the IAHC has taken that very thing under its own wing.

Unfortunately for the Internet community, NSI has made it clear that it
doesn't plan to yield any control over .COM to anyone else, ever:

        Networks Solutions seemed more definite. "It is not our 
        intention to share .com or the others [domains] we 
        register," Network Solutions spokesman
        Christopher Clough said. "Those would obviously [be] 
        assets that we've developed . . . much as Microsoft 
        wouldn't share DOS," its proprietary software.
        Network Solutions favors competition, but only in the 
        registration of new types of domains, Clough said.

        (Network Solutions Dropped as Registrar Of Internet 
        Domains, By David S. Hilzenrath, April 24 1997; The Washington Post.)

Thus, it seems likely that (barring a shift in control over .COM) NSI would
continue forever, carrying out its awful policy and putting innocent domain
name owners out of business.  

The only way that innocent domain name owners will have the cloud of NSI's
awful domain name policy lifted from their heads is if indeed the control
over .COM shifts elsewhere.  So far as I can see, the most likely way for
that to happen is if IAHC's plans move forward and are put into place.

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