[8829] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: In case anyone hadn't seen this

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (John W. Stewart III)
Fri Apr 25 17:07:54 1997

To: Pierre Thibaudeau <prt@teleglobe.ca>
cc: Enke Chen <enkechen@cisco.com>, nanog@merit.edu
In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 25 Apr 1997 16:14:38 EDT."
From: "John W. Stewart III" <jstewart@isi.edu>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 16:31:26 -0400

my point is that right now authentication is mntner-based and
most access-list generation depends on an as-macro.  so what's
to stop me from changing my as-macro to contain a few thousand
ASs and then config'ing my router to announce a zillion
prefixes?  filtering as we know it today doesn't protect
against this .. the upstream provider would have to manually
intervene.  even if the access-list generation depended on
as-in/as-out policy instead of just as-macros, and the tools
had some knowledge of what ASs were downstream to allow for
AS-path filtering as well as prefix-based, then i could still
just register zillions of prefixes with appropriate origins
and config my router to announce those zillions of prefixes
with appropriate AS-paths

all i'm saying is that parts of the system are fragile and
registries can't be viewed as a silver bullet


 > On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, John W. Stewart III wrote:
 > >    
 > >     > The solution to this problem is filtering, which has been known for 
 > >     > a long time. 
 > >     > 
 > >     > The provoders that have been filtering on the customer edge seem to 
 > >     > have done much better in terms of providing sanitized routes. I am
 > >     > wondering how many such major outages need to occur in order to 
 > >     > convince some providers to do customer filtering?
 > >    
 > >    i'd argue that filtering is protection against misconfigurations.
 > >    in practice, the way that filtering is done, it does not protect
 > >    us from malice; hopefully such attacks would be short-lived
 > >    because the immediate provider(s) would cut the person off, but
 > >    even short problems on the scale we're talking about are serious.
 > >    fortunately most of the wide-scale attacks we've seen have not
 > >    been within the routing system itself (though some have pounded
 > >    its infrastructure .. e.g., the low UDP port number attack), but
 > >    there's always that possibility.  in order for filtering to
 > >    protect us from malicious attacks within the routing system we
 > >    need a lot more in the way of authentication for registries and
 > >    tools built on top of them
 > Using the of RAWhoisd extended queries(*) it is very easy to build an
 > accurate access list and an as-path filter as well.
 > (*) see http://www.ra.net/RADB.tools.docs/rawhoisd.8.html
 > It is equally simple for anyone having access to a router receiving the
 > full BGP table to check the consistency of informations found in routing
 > registries with the actual BGP entries *before* putting a new access list
 > in action. 
 > Nothing else is required to inject sound routing information in the BGP
 > mesh.
 > >    of course that means a lot of work, so people have to first
 > >    recognize how fragile some of this stuff is.  today's excitement
 > >    is a very good example of that fragility
 > >    
 > >    to be clear, i am a fan of registries and filtering as they are
 > >    currently used .. there is no alternative other than chaos.  i
 > >    just think it's a mistake to think that filtering as we know it
 > >    now is equivalent to a necessarily robust routing system
 > All sorts of malicious attacks can give us headaches, but BGP
 > annoucements, is just like crossing the street: carefully watch for what
 > is already there and you will be safe. 
 > >    
 > >    /jws
 > >    
 > __
 > Pierre Thibaudeau                     |   e-mail: <prt@Teleglobe.CA>
 > TELEGLOBE CANADA                      |
 > 1000, rue de La Gauchetiere ouest     |      Tel: +1-514-868-7257
 > Montreal, QC   H3B 4X5                |
 > Canada                                |      fax: +1-514-868-8446

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