[81975] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: The whole alternate-root ${STATE}horse (was Re: Enable BIND cache
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Fergie (Paul Ferguson))
Fri Jul 8 15:27:46 2005
From: "Fergie (Paul Ferguson)" <fergdawg@netzero.net>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 18:21:41 GMT
To: jra@baylink.com
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Errors-To: owner-nanog@merit.edu
What? You mean that marketing spin doesn't convince you of how
much a "killer app" something is? ;-)
- ferg
-- "Jay R. Ashworth" <jra@baylink.com> wrote:
Yup. Killer apps are great. Hard to predict; *really* hard to invent.
"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
Engineering Architecture for the Internet
fergdawg@netzero.net or fergdawg@sbcglobal.net
ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/