[81896] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: NTIA will control the root name servers?
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Peter Dambier)
Sun Jul 3 03:45:56 2005
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2005 09:44:56 +0200
From: Peter Dambier <peter@peter-dambier.de>
Reply-To: peter@peter-dambier.de
To: nanog@nanog.org
In-Reply-To: <bb0e440a0507022046554c2580@mail.gmail.com>
Errors-To: owner-nanog@merit.edu
Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> On 03/07/05, John Palmer (NANOG Acct) <nanog@adns.net> wrote:
>>Already entire nations are dropping ICANN. China for one and now
> You know something .. the turks, or at least one minor government /
> industry department there, seem to have been drinking the public root
> koolaid.
>>(TBD) and Unified Identity Technology (UNIDT), officials announced on Wednesday.
>>Access to TLDs is supported by a federation called Public-Root, which emerged due to
> Oh well
> As for china they have been saying a whole lot of things, several
> quite contradictory to each other
> For now they're [I think] pressing for more accountablity + oversight
> role for the ICANN GAC ..
How about
Try to see their homepage!
You dont do bussiness with them?
But you are wearing their shoes.
Try to send them an email!
You dont talk to such fools?
But they are your customers.
; <<>> DiG 9.1.3 <<>> -t any xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 42567
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 2
;xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. IN ANY
xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. 1800 IN MX 10 mail.xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d.
xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. 1800 IN SOA ns5.ce.net.cn. tech.ce.net.cn. 2004072009 3600 900 1209600 1800
xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. 1575 IN A
xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. 1800 IN NS ns5.ce.net.cn.
xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. 1800 IN NS ns5.ce.net.cn.
mail.xn--8pru44h.xn--55qx5d. 1800 IN A
ns5.ce.net.cn. 1574 IN A
;; Query time: 747 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Jul 3 09:29:13 2005
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 191
One quarter of total internet populations needs to talk to them.
Chinese root-servers or Public-Root.
ICANN does not want them.
They dont want ICANN either.
European ISPs and Asian ISPs do change to the Public-Root because their
customers need to send emails to each other. Curiously enough their is
no SPAM on Public-Root email addresses. I thought the spammers were
located in Asia and Europe only?
In Africa there is not much internet technology yet. They build on
chinese technology because it is cheap and China supports their needs.
What if their need is censoring and perfect control?
And who controls ICANN? I am afraid they are out of control - reading
their mailing lists and reading the people who cry for unsubscribe.
Have a nice weekend,
Peter and Karin Dambier
Peter and Karin Dambier
Graeffstrasse 14
D-64646 Heppenheim
+49-6252-671788 (Telekom)
+49-179-108-3978 (O2 Genion)
+49-6252-750308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
+1-360-448-1275 (VoIP: freeworldialup.com)
+1-360-226-6583-9563 (INAIC)
mail: peter@peter-dambier.de