[81826] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: mobile user strawman argument

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Todd Vierling)
Thu Jun 30 17:44:21 2005

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 17:43:35 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
From: Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org>
To: Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
Cc: Mike Leber <mleber@he.net>, nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <p06200709beea110ad954@[]>
Errors-To: owner-nanog@merit.edu

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Brad Knowles wrote:

> >  In practice if your remote users don't use the submit port on your servers
> >  it gives rise to all kinds of different issues involving you trying to
> >  support the outbound filtering AOL is doing on your customers sending from
> >  non AOL domains.
> 	That doesn't change the fact that plenty of MUAs do not properly
> handle alternative ports.

I've done a look-see around my network and acquaintances a while ago, and
among them were quite a few mailers, all of which supported not only
alternate ports, but also SMTP AUTH.  MSA support is far more available than
this classic FUD.

If a MUA still doesn't support setting the port to 587 then, at this point,
it should be declared broken, to wit:

> 	You can't just set a hard and fast rule (like "let them eat cake"),
> and automatically expect all MUAs to kow-tow overnight.

It's been nearly six years (RFC2476 was December 1998).  Is that long enough
for you yet?

(Heck, if the change-for-standards-at-a-snail's-pace Pacific Northwestern
quasi-monopoly could get off their asses to allow alternate ports, anyone
should be able to offer it by now.)

-- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com> <todd@vierling.name>

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