[80940] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Underscores in host names

Thu May 19 11:03:28 2005

Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 12:01:54 -0300
From: "MARLON BORBA" <mborba@trf3.gov.br>
To: <nanog@merit.edu>
Errors-To: owner-nanog@merit.edu

Hmm, they've always teached to me that . (dot) at the end of hostnames =
indicates the (hidden) Root domain:


And my teachers always said that we don't need to write the final . =
because every domain belongs to the Root domain.

As for DNS servers for the Root domain, they are the reason for putting =
that "hint" files into our /var/named directory, "non"?


Marlon Borba, CISSP

Marlon Borba, CISSP.

"Por que 100? Bastaria
um se eu estivesse errado!"
--Albert Einstein, sobre o livro dos nazistas
"100 cientistas contra Einstein".
>>> "Peter & Karin Dambier" <peter@peter-dambier.de> 05/19/05 9:00 AM >>>
Because programmes like
check_soa from the O'Reilly book "DNS and BIND" or
believe it makes sense to force a dot at the end of
every name they look up.

There are nameservers in the root zone file that DNS will
not find. /etc/hosts is the only way to get them.
Dont forget to have both names with and without dot.

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